Friday, July 30, 2010


The thought of making new friends when ever i get a chance keeps asking too many questions to me . Do i really need that many friends around me ? Or quality is more important than quantity formula works wonders here . Yes indeed i would spent hours and hours of invested time with my friends and wont feel bored or exhausted till i splutter out my frustrations and bitterness of life with them . There are friends that you have thoughtful and colorful chats with, and they are your best friends. They're the people who root for you, no matter what. You tell them your deepest, darkest secrets, and instead of walking out from the door, they stay around and your bond with them grows stronger like this .
There two kinds of people one who gives the impression that we are fated to be a failure who makes us believe that the wrong in this world is meant to be for us and that we are eminent screw ups . The other kind of people are the fair people . Who care about us who are concerned who cheer us who show us the light that is coming through a small window in our life but we don't see it and they help us helm to it . They are there for us in reams of life .
Only few are the friends that we can share every big or small things of life . We can be safe and tension free while being among them, we share our feelings our sadness our agony with them .
Other relationships get the feeling that all is well at our end everything seems fine and smooth to them . Though we all know this is not true . My best friends are whom i can exhibit anguish with , i can cry when i am hurt and i can spit fire because i am angry . They wont shy away or be reluctant when i am the most neediest .
To me having too many friends around is like a glass over flow then having less friends but true one's is like glass half full . The secret to all this is that best friends are invested to our true selves it is about accepting of who we are . We feel secure and sublimed from our prestigious friends and enjoy the elevated lofty thoughts that do rise in our minds while being in their company . I love the fact that some time or the other we do get this privilage to feel like this in the presence of our true friends .